A great reward and invaluable experience for children and young people
ADO currently offer a range of AQA Unit Awards to children and young people as part of their learning experience within the River Valley Alternative Provision or during school half-terms and holidays as part of our 'Schools Out' programme.
AQA Unit awards are not a qualification, but are a valuable experience that is rewarded with a certificate if completed to satisfaction. They are a practical hands-on award, sometimes requiring some basic written work, ensuring all the challenges in the unit are met.
With an AQA Unit starting at an Entry Level, these are particularly suitable for those with learning difficulties, SEN or simply those with no previous knowledge or experience of the subject. This approach allows children and young people to attempt the subject in a relaxed situation, without pressure and enjoy their learning experience. As the learner gains confidence they can then quite often work through other levels of the subject providing additional challenges as they go along.
There are thousands of AQA Unit Awards! ADO concentrate at the moment on Adventure Sport, Equine (Horse and Pony) and Animal Care. We do intend to expand our range in the future, but for now we offer those units that best suit our expertise. Each subject often has different levels allowing the learner to work through the units as they gain confidence and more knowledge of the subject.
ADO are a partner of AQA and registered to run the unit awards, mark them and provide the certificates, if the learner completes the level. Each learner wishing to do an AQA is required to pay an annual fee of £25. This then allows that learner to take as many AQA Unit Awards as they wish during the course of that calendar year. This fee is paid just once and we can then register the learner onto the AQA student system. ADO charge a small administration fee to cover all the data entry, marking and arranging the certification, which is built into the cost of each specific AQA Unit.
Although the certification is not a qualification, its a great thing to add to a learner's CV for the future. Many employees recognise AQA's as proof that a young person has gained some great experience in certain subjects. They are also very useful if a young person is looking to volunteer and often will give them the edge over other applicants.